Project Management
Program Management
Management Consultants, Information Systems and Human Resources
Linking People and Process through Technology
We offer a broad range of Management Consulting services - oriented towards the management of Information Systems, Human Resources, and Organizational Design. KGW delivers "Big
4" consulting experience, for "independent" fees. KGW Consultants' work in partnership with a number of senior level practitioners, to provide our clients with state of the art, practical advice and solutions.
Information Systems / Project Management
We have been managing and developing solutions and strategies for Information Systems since 1976. We enhance traditional project management methodologies with a strong foundation in human
resources and organizational change. We succeed where others fail due to a focus on both the technological and the human / organizational impact of new systems. Our clients have had us manage key projects, manage entire E-business departments, and develop and manage Project Management Offices. We also offer services in a variety of other Information Systems disciplines such as strategic planning, system selection, IS management reviews and project economic evaluations.
Business Case
Preparation and Review
KGW offers seminars to train your staff in business case preparation or
analysis. We are also available to assist in the creation or review of our
clients business cases. Having problems quantifying "soft benefits"?
Ensuring appropriate financial measures are in place? We can assist!
Human Resources
KGW's basic premise is that organizational improvement, be it through any of today's management techniques (TQM, BPR, BPI, Quality Circles, etc.), requires strong employee support to be successful. This success can only be obtained through a comprehensive communication and collaboration plan, effectively executed across the organization. These plans require creative use of technology tools in order to be effective. They must encourage and motivate employee involvement and support through honest and complete exposure of the corporate agenda.
We specialize in the development and execution of such plans, and the application of Information Technology to related People and Process issues.
Recent Presentation Materials
Consultants are PMP certified though the Project Management Institute